Copley-Fairlawn Adult All Sports Booster Club (CAASBC)

About the Copley All Adult Sports Boosters Club
The CAASBC is made up of parents and community members with the primary purpose of promoting the benefits of interscholastic sport in our school system by raising funds to support athletic programs for student athletes in grades 7-12. We do this through a number of fundraising activities throughout the year! We meet the second Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the Copley High School Main Office Conference Room. All meetings are open to the public, so you are welcome to join to listen in or find out how you can help support.
Join us in our efforts to support Copley-Fairlawn sports programs. If you are interested in volunteering for any of the Booster club fundraising projects, please fill out the below form.
Please reach out to us with questions or if you are interested in supporting CAASBC in other ways.